About this blog
„Witnessing Corona“ is inviting contributions of max 2000 words that address questions of: – Social solidarity and moral blaming – Living a life in social and/or physical isolation – Unequal biosocial and/or psychological vulnerabilities – Political-economic implications for healthcare infrastructures – Historically contingent forms, possibilities, and risks of governmental intervention – And a host of […]

Monströs oder gespenstisch?
Fragen von Schuld, Verantwortung und Solidarität in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie
Dieser Text stellt eine theoretische Reflexion zur Corona-Pandemie dar, die ich aus einer Situation in meiner Feldforschung zur lokalen Aushandlung des globalen Klimawandels im Rheinland entwickelt habe. Da in Deutschland seit Ende März 2020 aufgrund der globalen Corona-Pandemie alle Bürger*innen angehalten sind, sich weitestgehend abzuschotten und körperliche Distanz zu ihren Mitmenschen zu wahren, fand ich […]

Refugees in Bremen fighting for protection
Vulnerability, power relation, and the double-standards of structural racism in Corona times
Since the beginning of the pandemic COVID-19, the German media have been full of calls for solidarity, with demands to stand together in times of crisis and to take care of others. A wide range of diverse practices and domains, ranging from neighborhood aid (Vetter 2020, TAZ 2020a) and large national „rescue parachutes“ for the […]

COVID-19 in an Economically Fragile and Politically Divergent Country
Impressions from Sudan
For now I do not remember when and how I first heard about COVID-19, but I remember well when I had my first conversation with someone about the virus: It was on 31 January 2020 at the University of Cologne in Germany. As we were heading to take B.2.1 (German language test), a classmate asked […]

‘Too Close for Comfort’
Public Health, Private Zeal and the Corona Pandemic in India
These are my preliminary thoughts during the first two weeks of being at home from work, in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta). I teach at a university in this city, the capital of the eastern Indian state, West Bengal. On 14 March 2020, the Chief Minister of the state ordered all educational institutions shut fearing a sharp […]

The spread of ‘Corona’: from the Urban to the Rural
Impressions from Kenya
In this contribution I want to examine how rural areas were already ‘hit’ by the coronavirus without having any confirmed cases, i.e. while the virus had not really manifested itself yet, a plethora of information, (fake-)news and rumours shaped people’s actions, feelings and perceptions about it. Moreover, the government regulations to limit the spread of […]

At the Border of Us and Them
An Anecdote of a Korean International Student Going Through Corona Pandemic in France
With the spread of the coronavirus, social distancing has become a new imperative. The changes are indeed very fast-paced. While many countries are adopting various measures to control the coronavirus outbreak, some measures are tougher than others, from mere recommendation on reducing social and physical contacts to an enforced lockdown in the village/city or travel […]

Sich der Pandemie hingeben
Schreiben und Nervosität in Zeiten von Covid-19
„Ich glaube, es gibt bei vielen ein ähnliches Verlangen, nicht anfangen zu müssen; ein ähnliches Begehren, sich von vornherein auf der anderen Seite des Diskurses zu befinden und nicht von außen ansehen zu müssen, was er Einzigartiges, Bedrohliches, ja vielleicht Unheilvolles an sich hat.“ Michel Foucault [1] Eigentlich möchte ich nicht anfangen, über Covid-19 zu […]

The invisible threats and the unhealthy world
What might the Mbya (Brazil) teach us about Corona?
The first day I realised I was really afraid of being infected and also of the proximity of the new coronavirus to my family, I understood what some of my Guarani-Mbyá friends have been saying to me since 2003. For them, every time they need to go out of their teko’a (existential territory) it is […]

Traveling between China and Germany in the time of COVID-19 Outbreak
During the time of the Coronavirus outbreak and its spread between January and March 2020, my husband and I flew back to China from Frankfurt Airport (January 8, 2020) and returned to Germany (January 31, 2020). Until now, I have experienced the same issue (the Coronavirus crisis) in two different countries. I would like to […]

Überlastete Covid-19-Untersuchungsstellen und die Koordination von Verdachtsfällen in Berlin
Zur Entlastung der Berliner Covid-19-Untersuchungsstellen hat die Charité eine App eingerichtet. CovApp bietet Menschen mit potenzieller Exposition zu Covid-19-Fällen die Möglichkeit, ihre individuelle Gefährdung fundiert einzuschätzen. Gegebenenfalls wird durch die App nach Beantwortung einiger Fragen davon abgeraten, die Untersuchungsstellen aufzusuchen. Bisweilen sind die App-Empfehlungen, den eigenen Gesundheitszustand ärztlich abklären zu lassen, jedoch nicht mit den […]