about us
The boasblogs (founded in 2016) are a series of topic-related blogs that take up current issues relating to the anthropological sciences, discuss them in their controversiality in a wide circle of contributors, and at the same time ask about the public role and social relevance of anthropological knowledge.
All boasblogs, as public anthropology, aim to make scientific findings accessible to a broader public in order to make a critical-constructive contribution to current social debates and to help shape social relations on various political, social, and everyday levels.
En fin de compte, les jeux de casino sont essentiellement des mathématiques et des probabilités. Quel que soit le jeu que vous privilégiez, les probabilités auront toujours leur mot à dire. C’est pourquoi il est toujours bon de comprendre les principes sous-jacents du jeu et la manière dont ils affectent votre expérience les types de bonus de base. Nous souhaitons notamment aborder le RTP et les paiements. Le RTP est l’abréviation de “return-to-player” (retour au joueur) et indique le pourcentage total de toutes les sommes misées reversées aux joueurs sous forme de gains. Plus le RTP est élevé, meilleures sont les chances de jouer. Voici les meilleures cotes des casinos en ligne modernes CH. Nous devons mentionner que le RTP n’est que théorique et s’applique aux jeux à long terme. Les chiffres sont calculés après des millions de mises, et votre expérience peut être différente. Néanmoins, des valeurs RTP plus élevées ne peuvent qu’être positives pour vous, et nous vous recommandons d’opter pour la meilleure option. Comme ce type de jeu se déroule dans un casino en ligne, les joueurs CH doivent faire attention au logiciel qui alimente les jeux. En général, les casinos sur Internet ne créent pas leurs propres jeux. Ils travaillent plutôt avec des sociétés spécialisées qui le font pour eux. Les fournisseurs de logiciels offrent un service unique à l’industrie et sont responsables de certains des meilleurs jeux que nous connaissons et aimons. En ce qui concerne les titres de votre casino préféré, les opérateurs de la Suisse en ligne travaillent généralement avec des sociétés comme NetEnt, Microgaming, iSoftBet, Play’n GO et d’autres.
You can play newest Golden Tiger slots here. Roulette is another popular game among players from all over the world. When you bet through PayPal in games like this, you can win many prizes… and, as if that were not enough, each bet will have a different payout. In roulette, each player must try to guess the square in which the ball stops, which the dealer turns to the opposite side of the roulette wheel. You can place different kinds of bets; bets on red or black, bets on groups of numbers, on even or odd numbers, on a certain number… and on an even zero, among other things. The more specific the bet, the bigger the winnings. Among the games for PayPal that we usually recommend to our readers is undoubtedly poker. If you’re a fan of strategy, adrenaline this is another game that is perfect for you. This card game consists of a group game in which you must assemble a hand of the strongest cards… and if you have a weak hand, make the others believe otherwise. Do you think you have what it takes to win?
Every boasblog is published and organized by different and independent editors. Suggestions for new topics and editorial teams are always welcome at: info@boasblogs.org
Observe também que os ganhos mais comuns de spins gratuitos que recebemos como parte de um depósito ou nenhuma promoção de depósito são limitados. Você não pode ganhar muito com tal prêmio. Alguns melhor cassino online limitam os pagamentos das rotações gratuitas a 300-400. Como você pode ver, esta não é uma quantia assombrosa. Por outro lado, os ganhos das rodadas livres que você recebe enquanto joga em uma slot machine não são limitados de forma alguma. Quantos destes giros você ganha depende apenas de sua sorte. Um cassino online ao vivo é uma ótima solução para pessoas que gostam de jogar em um cassino de verdade. Os cassinos online oferecem a você a oportunidade de interagir com um verdadeiro dealer em uma mesa profissional e jogar os jogos de cassino mais populares a partir do conforto de sua própria casa.
Editors of the blog series are: Christoph Antweiler (U Bonn), Michi Knecht (U Bremen), Ehler Voss (U Bremen), and Martin Zillinger (U Cologne)
The blog series is funded and co-produced by the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) Media of Cooperation at the University of Siegen, the interdisciplinary and collaborative research platform Worlds of Contradiction (WoC) at the University of Bremen and the Global South Studies Center (GSSC) at the University of Cologne.

about the blogs
So far, eight blogs have been released, each supervised by different editorial boards.
The first – Cultural Relativism and Enlightenment – was published in December 2016 as a response to an article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, in which social and cultural anthropology was accused of justifying inhuman practices and of having a lack of distance from their subject matter. The contributions are mainly in German.
Editorial Board: Christoph Antweiler (U Bonn), Ehler Voss (U Bremen/Siegen), and Martin Zillinger (U Cologne)
If online Australian casino minimum deposit $5 want to offer a well-rounded, successful real-time experience, they offer a diverse selection of roulette games with live croupier . These should not only be the most well-known variations, such as French or American roulette, but also special and unusual varieties of the game. The most popular casino games with live roulette are listed below. French Roulette is one of the classic bowling game variations. The game is played from scratch, and the inscriptions on the gaming table and croupier announcements are written in French. In the live version of French Roulette can be found in almost every live casino. This is another classic roulette game available from almost all live game providers. The rules and procedures are identical to those of French roulette. The only difference is the language: the croupier speaks English. Blackjack in the live dealer version should not be absent from online casinos if you want to get recommendations from us. As with roulette, the card game offers many options that will appeal to both big players and those who play for small amounts. To provide an overview here, we also briefly introduce casino games with live dealers.
Si les casinos en ligne veulent offrir une expérience de roulette en direct réussie et bien équilibrée, ils proposent une sélection variée de jeux de roulette avec croupier en direct . Il ne doit pas seulement s’agir des variantes les plus connues, comme la roulette française ou américaine, mais aussi de variétés spéciales et inhabituelles du jeu. Les jeux de casino les plus populaires avec la roulette en direct sont énumérés ci-dessous. La roulette française est l’une des variantes classiques du jeu de quilles. Le jeu se jouez en ligne au Bahigo Casino – les meilleurs casinos disponibles en Suisse à partir de zéro, et les inscriptions sur la table de jeu et les annonces du croupier sont écrites en français. Une version en direct de la roulette française se trouve dans presque tous les casinos en direct. Il s’agit d’un autre jeu de roulette classique, disponible chez presque tous les fournisseurs de jeux en direct. Les règles et procédures sont identiques à celles de la roulette française. La seule différence est la langue : le croupier parle anglais. Le blackjack avec une version avec croupier en direct ne devrait pas être indisponible dans les casinos en ligne si vous souhaitez obtenir des recommandations de notre part. Comme pour la roulette, le jeu de cartes offre de nombreuses options pour attirer à la fois les gros joueurs et ceux qui jouent pour de plus petites sommes. Afin de fournir une vue d’ensemble, nous présentons également brièvement les jeux de casino avec croupier en direct.
The first blog was superseded in October 2017 by a second blog, which is still running today. Under the title “How to move on with Humboldt’s legacy? Rethinking ethnographic collections” – “Wie weiter mit Humboldts Erbe? Ethnographische Sammlungen neu denken”, it deals with the opposite accusation of colonialism and, in the context of current discussions about the concept and design of the Humboldt Forum in Berlin, also asks about innovative and contemporary approaches to ethnographic collections. To illustrate the need to expand the discussion, which requires a broader cooperative exchange between the global North and the global South, we changed the name of the blog to DCNtR in 2020. A detailed explanation of the name change can be found here. The blog is bilingual in German and English.
Editorial Board: Anna Brus (U Siegen), Larissa Förster (U Berlin), Gabriel Schimmeroth (U Hamburg), Michi Knecht (U Bremen), Ehler Voss (U Bremen & Siegen), and Martin Zillinger (U Cologne)
Former board members: Verena Rodatus (FU Berlin) 2017-2019
The third blog was prompted by the controversy surrounding the recent renaming of the “German Ethnological Society/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV)” to “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie (DGSKA)” (the English title of this association had since long been the “German Anthropological Association”). Under the title What’s in a name, the blog asked what this renaming stands for, i.e., what it conveys about the history, present, and future of this discipline in German-speaking countries. The contributions are mainly in German. The blog ran from April to August 2018.
Editorial Board: Christoph Antweiler (U Bonn), Michi Knecht (U Bremen), Ehler Voss (U Siegen), and Martin Zillinger (U Cologne)
A fourth blog ran from October 2018 to February 2019 on the question Why Anthropology? Current Student Views. The editorial work was done by a group of anthropology students at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, who designed the blog as part of a seminar offered by Ehler Voss on the topic “Publishing in Online Media” and who were responsible for supervising it. The contributions are mainly in German.
Editorial Board: Clarissa Bach, Alexandra Ditscher, Charlotte Kaiser, Christopher Klapperich, Judith König, and Matthias Merbitz-Zahradnik (all anthropology students at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)
In September 2019, a new blog with the title The end of negotiations!? started. The blog aims to critically discuss current processes in which the potentially unlimited dynamics of social negotiations are brought to an end by acts of closure or opened to new negotiations after a temporary closure. The blog prepares for the conference of the same name of the German Society for Cultural and Social Anthropology, which will take place in Constance at the end of September.
Editorial Board: Thomas Kirsch (U Constance), Michi Knecht (U Bremen), and Ehler Voss (U Bremen)
In May 2020, the blog Witnessing Corona was launched in cooperation with the blog “Medical Anthropology” of the Working Group Medical Anthropology, Curare: Journal of Medical Anthropology, and the Cologne Global South Studies Center (GSSC), whose contributions attempt to accompany the corona pandemic from a social science and (medical) anthropological perspective. The contributions range from theory and ethnography-based articles to reflections that are more personal.
Editorial Board: Hansjörg Dilger (Freie Universität Berlin), Clemens Eisenmann (University of Siegen), Martina Gockel-Frank (GSSC), Clemens Greiner (GSSC), Claudia Lang (Leipzig University), Dominik Mattes (Freie Universität Berlin), Christine Rath (GSSC), Anna Schreiber (GSSC), Annette Steffny (GSSC), Nasima Selim (Freie Universität Berlin), Mirko Uhlig (University of Mainz), and Ehler Voss (University of Bremen)
In October 2020, the editorial team of the journal Curare started publishing the Corona diaries they had collected in the months before. In March, the editorial team called for the writing of (auto)ethnographic diaries in the strict sense of the term, which would chronicle the events in the authors’ own environment and thereby generate ethnographic material that makes it possible to reconstruct collectively in retrospect what is not comprehensible at the moment of crisis.
Editorial Board: Clemens Eisenmann (University of Siegen), Janina Kehr (University of Bern), Helmar Kurz (University of Münster), Mirko Uhlig (University of Mainz), and Ehler Voss (University of Bremen)
The blog Fieldwork meets crisis is based on an autumn school of the German Association for Social and Cultural Anthropology (DGSKA) held in October 2020 that took as its starting point the current pandemic moment and discussed its methodological and epistemological implications for the discipline.
Editorial Team: Andrea Behrends (University of Bayreuth), Mirko Göpfert (Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main), Thomas Kirsch (University of Constance), Minh Nguyen (University of Bielefeld), Anna Lisa Ramella (University of Cologne), Magnus Treiber (Ludwig-Maxiliams-Universität, Munich), Thomas Stodulka (Freie Universität, Berlin), Asta Vonderau (Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg), Martin Zillinger (University of Cologne)
One of the constant concerns of every online casino player has to do with the security of his bank details and personal data. You have nothing to worry about, because all the casinos recommended here are officially licensed and accredited by the Directorate General of Gaming Regulation, the regulatory body of Spain. All operators listed in the App Store are licensed operators, so if they are not listed in the store, the casino may not be accredited by the DGOJ. The security of the Uptown Pokies Casino featured on our website is top notch and provides the strictest security controls through SSL encryption, so you can rest assured that your personal information is completely safe. Finally, to access all the information on the mobile apps for more details on their security and operation, click here ! As we already explained, to access casino games from your iPad, all you have to do is download the web app or play directly from your device’s browser. Almost all casinos have their games optimized for playing from your iPad: roulette, blackjack, poker and all its varieties except slots and some other games. Keep in mind that demos are also available on your iPad, so you can play the games over and over before you make the drastic move and play for real money. In turn, you can choose most of the options you have on your PC version, as well as access from the same casino account you register from your computer, including the same security of your personal and banking information. Keep in mind that you will find the above features in the best online casinos for iPad that we have personally selected and tested.
about us
The boasblogs (founded in 2016) are a series of topic-related blogs that take up current issues relating to the anthropological sciences, discuss them in their controversiality in a wide circle of contributors, and at the same time ask about the public role and social relevance of anthropological knowledge.
All boasblogs, as public anthropology, aim to make scientific findings accessible to a broader public in order to make a critical-constructive contribution to current social debates and to help shape social relations on various political, social, and everyday levels.
En fin de compte, les jeux de casino sont essentiellement des mathématiques et des probabilités. Quel que soit le jeu que vous privilégiez, les probabilités auront toujours leur mot à dire. C'est pourquoi il est toujours bon de comprendre les principes sous-jacents du jeu et la manière dont ils affectent votre expérience les types de bonus de base. Nous souhaitons notamment aborder le RTP et les paiements. Le RTP est l'abréviation de "return-to-player" (retour au joueur) et indique le pourcentage total de toutes les sommes misées reversées aux joueurs sous forme de gains. Plus le RTP est élevé, meilleures sont les chances de jouer. Voici les meilleures cotes des casinos en ligne modernes CH. Nous devons mentionner que le RTP n'est que théorique et s'applique aux jeux à long terme. Les chiffres sont calculés après des millions de mises, et votre expérience peut être différente. Néanmoins, des valeurs RTP plus élevées ne peuvent qu'être positives pour vous, et nous vous recommandons d'opter pour la meilleure option. Comme ce type de jeu se déroule dans un casino en ligne, les joueurs CH doivent faire attention au logiciel qui alimente les jeux. En général, les casinos sur Internet ne créent pas leurs propres jeux. Ils travaillent plutôt avec des sociétés spécialisées qui le font pour eux. Les fournisseurs de logiciels offrent un service unique à l'industrie et sont responsables de certains des meilleurs jeux que nous connaissons et aimons. En ce qui concerne les titres de votre casino préféré, les opérateurs de la Suisse en ligne travaillent généralement avec des sociétés comme NetEnt, Microgaming, iSoftBet, Play'n GO et d'autres.
You can play newest Golden Tiger slots here. Roulette is another popular game among players from all over the world. When you bet through PayPal in games like this, you can win many prizes... and, as if that were not enough, each bet will have a different payout. In roulette, each player must try to guess the square in which the ball stops, which the dealer turns to the opposite side of the roulette wheel. You can place different kinds of bets; bets on red or black, bets on groups of numbers, on even or odd numbers, on a certain number... and on an even zero, among other things. The more specific the bet, the bigger the winnings. Among the games for PayPal that we usually recommend to our readers is undoubtedly poker. If you're a fan of strategy, adrenaline this is another game that is perfect for you. This card game consists of a group game in which you must assemble a hand of the strongest cards... and if you have a weak hand, make the others believe otherwise. Do you think you have what it takes to win?
Every boasblog is published and organized by different and independent editors. Suggestions for new topics and editorial teams are always welcome at: info@boasblogs.org
Observe também que os ganhos mais comuns de spins gratuitos que recebemos como parte de um depósito ou nenhuma promoção de depósito são limitados. Você não pode ganhar muito com tal prêmio. Alguns melhor cassino online limitam os pagamentos das rotações gratuitas a 300-400. Como você pode ver, esta não é uma quantia assombrosa. Por outro lado, os ganhos das rodadas livres que você recebe enquanto joga em uma slot machine não são limitados de forma alguma. Quantos destes giros você ganha depende apenas de sua sorte. Um cassino online ao vivo é uma ótima solução para pessoas que gostam de jogar em um cassino de verdade. Os cassinos online oferecem a você a oportunidade de interagir com um verdadeiro dealer em uma mesa profissional e jogar os jogos de cassino mais populares a partir do conforto de sua própria casa.
Editors of the blog series are: Christoph Antweiler (U Bonn), Michi Knecht (U Bremen), Ehler Voss (U Bremen), and Martin Zillinger (U Cologne)
The blog series is funded and co-produced by the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) Media of Cooperation at the University of Siegen, the interdisciplinary and collaborative research platform Worlds of Contradiction (WoC) at the University of Bremen and the Global South Studies Center (GSSC) at the University of Cologne.

about the blogs
So far, eight blogs have been released, each supervised by different editorial boards.
The first – Cultural Relativism and Enlightenment – was published in December 2016 as a response to an article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, in which social and cultural anthropology was accused of justifying inhuman practices and of having a lack of distance from their subject matter. The contributions are mainly in German.
Editorial Board: Christoph Antweiler (U Bonn), Ehler Voss (U Bremen/Siegen), and Martin Zillinger (U Cologne)
If online Australian casino minimum deposit $5 want to offer a well-rounded, successful real-time experience, they offer a diverse selection of roulette games with live croupier . These should not only be the most well-known variations, such as French or American roulette, but also special and unusual varieties of the game. The most popular casino games with live roulette are listed below. French Roulette is one of the classic bowling game variations. The game is played from scratch, and the inscriptions on the gaming table and croupier announcements are written in French. In the live version of French Roulette can be found in almost every live casino. This is another classic roulette game available from almost all live game providers. The rules and procedures are identical to those of French roulette. The only difference is the language: the croupier speaks English. Blackjack in the live dealer version should not be absent from online casinos if you want to get recommendations from us. As with roulette, the card game offers many options that will appeal to both big players and those who play for small amounts. To provide an overview here, we also briefly introduce casino games with live dealers.
Si les casinos en ligne veulent offrir une expérience de roulette en direct réussie et bien équilibrée, ils proposent une sélection variée de jeux de roulette avec croupier en direct . Il ne doit pas seulement s'agir des variantes les plus connues, comme la roulette française ou américaine, mais aussi de variétés spéciales et inhabituelles du jeu. Les jeux de casino les plus populaires avec la roulette en direct sont énumérés ci-dessous. La roulette française est l'une des variantes classiques du jeu de quilles. Le jeu se jouez en ligne au Bahigo Casino - les meilleurs casinos disponibles en Suisse à partir de zéro, et les inscriptions sur la table de jeu et les annonces du croupier sont écrites en français. Une version en direct de la roulette française se trouve dans presque tous les casinos en direct. Il s'agit d'un autre jeu de roulette classique, disponible chez presque tous les fournisseurs de jeux en direct. Les règles et procédures sont identiques à celles de la roulette française. La seule différence est la langue : le croupier parle anglais. Le blackjack avec une version avec croupier en direct ne devrait pas être indisponible dans les casinos en ligne si vous souhaitez obtenir des recommandations de notre part. Comme pour la roulette, le jeu de cartes offre de nombreuses options pour attirer à la fois les gros joueurs et ceux qui jouent pour de plus petites sommes. Afin de fournir une vue d'ensemble, nous présentons également brièvement les jeux de casino avec croupier en direct.
The first blog was superseded in October 2017 by a second blog, which is still running today. Under the title “How to move on with Humboldt’s legacy? Rethinking ethnographic collections” – “Wie weiter mit Humboldts Erbe? Ethnographische Sammlungen neu denken”, it deals with the opposite accusation of colonialism and, in the context of current discussions about the concept and design of the Humboldt Forum in Berlin, also asks about innovative and contemporary approaches to ethnographic collections. To illustrate the need to expand the discussion, which requires a broader cooperative exchange between the global North and the global South, we changed the name of the blog to DCNtR in 2020. A detailed explanation of the name change can be found here. The blog is bilingual in German and English.
Editorial Board: Anna Brus (U Siegen), Larissa Förster (U Berlin), Gabriel Schimmeroth (U Hamburg), Michi Knecht (U Bremen), Ehler Voss (U Bremen & Siegen), and Martin Zillinger (U Cologne)
Former board members: Verena Rodatus (FU Berlin) 2017-2019
The third blog was prompted by the controversy surrounding the recent renaming of the “German Ethnological Society/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV)” to “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie (DGSKA)” (the English title of this association had since long been the “German Anthropological Association”). Under the title What’s in a name, the blog asked what this renaming stands for, i.e., what it conveys about the history, present, and future of this discipline in German-speaking countries. The contributions are mainly in German. The blog ran from April to August 2018.
Editorial Board: Christoph Antweiler (U Bonn), Michi Knecht (U Bremen), Ehler Voss (U Siegen), and Martin Zillinger (U Cologne)
A fourth blog ran from October 2018 to February 2019 on the question Why Anthropology? Current Student Views. The editorial work was done by a group of anthropology students at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, who designed the blog as part of a seminar offered by Ehler Voss on the topic “Publishing in Online Media” and who were responsible for supervising it. The contributions are mainly in German.
Editorial Board: Clarissa Bach, Alexandra Ditscher, Charlotte Kaiser, Christopher Klapperich, Judith König, and Matthias Merbitz-Zahradnik (all anthropology students at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)
In September 2019, a new blog with the title The end of negotiations!? started. The blog aims to critically discuss current processes in which the potentially unlimited dynamics of social negotiations are brought to an end by acts of closure or opened to new negotiations after a temporary closure. The blog prepares for the conference of the same name of the German Society for Cultural and Social Anthropology, which will take place in Constance at the end of September.
Editorial Board: Thomas Kirsch (U Constance), Michi Knecht (U Bremen), and Ehler Voss (U Bremen)
In May 2020, the blog Witnessing Corona was launched in cooperation with the blog “Medical Anthropology” of the Working Group Medical Anthropology, Curare: Journal of Medical Anthropology, and the Cologne Global South Studies Center (GSSC), whose contributions attempt to accompany the corona pandemic from a social science and (medical) anthropological perspective. The contributions range from theory and ethnography-based articles to reflections that are more personal.
Editorial Board: Hansjörg Dilger (Freie Universität Berlin), Clemens Eisenmann (University of Siegen), Martina Gockel-Frank (GSSC), Clemens Greiner (GSSC), Claudia Lang (Leipzig University), Dominik Mattes (Freie Universität Berlin), Christine Rath (GSSC), Anna Schreiber (GSSC), Annette Steffny (GSSC), Nasima Selim (Freie Universität Berlin), Mirko Uhlig (University of Mainz), and Ehler Voss (University of Bremen)
In October 2020, the editorial team of the journal Curare started publishing the Corona diaries they had collected in the months before. In March, the editorial team called for the writing of (auto)ethnographic diaries in the strict sense of the term, which would chronicle the events in the authors’ own environment and thereby generate ethnographic material that makes it possible to reconstruct collectively in retrospect what is not comprehensible at the moment of crisis.
Editorial Board: Clemens Eisenmann (University of Siegen), Janina Kehr (University of Bern), Helmar Kurz (University of Münster), Mirko Uhlig (University of Mainz), and Ehler Voss (University of Bremen)
The blog Fieldwork meets crisis is based on an autumn school of the German Association for Social and Cultural Anthropology (DGSKA) held in October 2020 that took as its starting point the current pandemic moment and discussed its methodological and epistemological implications for the discipline.
Editorial Team: Andrea Behrends (University of Bayreuth), Mirko Göpfert (Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main), Thomas Kirsch (University of Constance), Minh Nguyen (University of Bielefeld), Anna Lisa Ramella (University of Cologne), Magnus Treiber (Ludwig-Maxiliams-Universität, Munich), Thomas Stodulka (Freie Universität, Berlin), Asta Vonderau (Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg), Martin Zillinger (University of Cologne)
One of the constant concerns of every online casino player has to do with the security of his bank details and personal data. You have nothing to worry about, because all the casinos recommended here are officially licensed and accredited by the Directorate General of Gaming Regulation, the regulatory body of Spain. All operators listed in the App Store are licensed operators, so if they are not listed in the store, the casino may not be accredited by the DGOJ. The security of the Uptown Pokies Casino featured on our website is top notch and provides the strictest security controls through SSL encryption, so you can rest assured that your personal information is completely safe. Finally, to access all the information on the mobile apps for more details on their security and operation, click here ! As we already explained, to access casino games from your iPad, all you have to do is download the web app or play directly from your device's browser. Almost all casinos have their games optimized for playing from your iPad: roulette, blackjack, poker and all its varieties except slots and some other games. Keep in mind that demos are also available on your iPad, so you can play the games over and over before you make the drastic move and play for real money. In turn, you can choose most of the options you have on your PC version, as well as access from the same casino account you register from your computer, including the same security of your personal and banking information. Keep in mind that you will find the above features in the best online casinos for iPad that we have personally selected and tested.