Decolonizing Anthropology. A Self-Critical Appraisal of the Current State of Research and Teaching A hybrid lecture series and teaching format in two parts by and for social and cultural anthropological institutes in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and South Tyrol.   Winter Term 2023/24 and Summer Term 2024 Thursdays, 6:15-7:45pm CET on Webex To participate in the […]

Part 2 | Session 12 | 11 Jul 2024 | Beyond Eurocentrism
Reflecting Postcolonial Perspectives Then and Now
Register here The aim of this event is to engage with and learn from past efforts in critical self-reflection into the discipline’s colonial entanglement and attempts to re-envisage epistemological and methodological approaches to anthropology that tackle eurocentric biases and colonial continuities. An early attempt was the publication of the volume ‘Jenseits des Eurozentrismus. Postkoloniale Perspektiven […]

Part 2 | Session 11 | 04 Jul 2024 | Other Anthropologies and Anthropology’s Otherness
A Conversation on Disciplinary Futures
Register here Disciplinary Anthropology has been subject to recurrent waves of auto-criticism.  At least since the mid-1960s, it has been grappling with its colonial legacies and related epistemic structures. These exercises in reflective self-reformation have taken several forms, including: 1) the historicization of the discipline and the investigation of its imbrication with various imperial projects and […]

Part 2 | Session 10 | 27 Jun 2024 | Rethinking Knowledge Production in German African Studies
Serawit Debele (U Bayreuth), Stephanie Lämmert (MPI Berlin) & Yusuf Serunkuma (MLU Halle)
Register here Our talk builds on our ongoing research project, “African Studies in Germany through the lens of critical race theory” which is part of a Volkswagen Stiftung research theme: “Open Up – New Research Spaces for the Humanities and Cultural Studies,” which seeks to use interdisciplinary and multi-perspective approaches in order to reveal and […]

Part 2 | Session 9 | 20 Jun 2024 | Decolonizing Knowledge, between the Humanities and the Social Sciences
Postcolonial Theory and Field Theory - Georg Steinmetz (U Michigan) moderated by Gregor Dobler (U Freiburg)
Register here This talk will examine different approaches to analyzing the relations between colonialism and social science. Within the humanities, postcolonial theory has been the most directly relevant to questions of “decolonizing” social knowledge. Within the social sciences, the first intellectual to call explicitly for “decolonizing sociology” and to propose a method and theory for […]

Part 2 | Session 8 | 13 Jun 2024 | Ethnography and Inequality: Reflections on the Decolonization of Anthropology’s Methodological Assemblage
Please register here Abstract What does the decolonization turn imply for the discipline of anthropology? In this lecture, we acknowledge that decolonization contains promising potentials to address the inequalities that characterize anthropology as an academic discipline, while we simultaneously emphasize that these approaches ultimately fail to undo the epistemic violence that is implied in any […]

Part 2 | Session 7 | 06 Jun 2024 | Decolonizing Ecologies
In this session, the two young researchers Léa Lacan and Denisha Anand will present their work on knowledge, practices and ethics in environmental anthropology and the potentials of anthropology as a discipline to counter universalist narratives around biodiversity, conservation, and the Anthropocene. The conversation will be moderated by Ursula Rao. Decolonizing the forest: thinking from […]

Part 2 | Session 6 | 23 May 2024 | Philosophy, Anthropology and Decolonization
A Dialogue between Souleymane Bachir Diagne (Columbia University | WoC Bremen) & Tyler Zoanni (U Bremen)
Register here In this dialogue with renowned philosopher Souleymane Bachir Diagne, we will take up central themes in his work and connect them to ongoing conversations about anthropology and decolonization. Topics include: language and life, the postcolonial and the decolonial, Africa in/and the world, philosophy and anthropology. The session will begin with an interview and […]

Part 2 | Session 5 | 16 May 2024 | Eight Answers to the Question if Ethnographic Research in Asian Russia Has Fared Well or Got Shipwrecked with Colonial/Decolonial Ambitions (1724-2024)
Register here Previous speakers in this lecture series have addressed multiple aspects of the legacies and ongoing dynamics of colonialism and anthropology, and ways towards decolonising the discipline. Understandably, this debate has mainly drawn on “overseas” entanglements and interactions between Global South and Global North. However, colonial and decolonial perspectives from what some have called […]

Part 2 | Session 4 | 02 May 2024 | Decolonizing What Was Known as Mexican Anthropology
Ricardo F. Macip (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) hosted by Dorothy Zinn (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
Register here Ricardo F. Macip`s contribution “The reification of race” is attached as a PDF at the end of this post. Abstract: Taking two twenty-five-year periods, one from 1969 to 1994 and another from 1995 to 2020, I reflect on the decolonizing attempts and discomforts in what was known as Mexican Anthropology. The first one […]

Part 2 | Session 3 | 25 Apr 2024 | Decolonizing and/or Re-Appropriating the Archive?
Register here “An archive may be largely about ‘the past’ but it is always ‘re-read’ in the light of the present and the future: and in that reprise, as Walter Benjamin reminds us, it always flashes up before us as a moment of danger”                                                                                                              Stuart Hall [1] Starting from the assumption that archives are […]