Richard Tsogang Fossi

Session 4 | 23 Nov 2023 | Atlas der Abwesenheit. Kameruns Kulturerbe in Deutschland.
Wie steht es mit der Dekolonisierung ethnologischer Museen?
Lizenz: CC BY-NC-ND Registrierung In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist vor dem Hintergrund der postcolonial studies von einem „Unbehagen im Museum“ (Kazeem et al 2009), von „Culture Strike. Art and Museum in the Age of Protest“ (Raicovich 2021)“, oder auch von „de-linking“ (Walter Mignolo 2009) bzw. “debordering”, d.h. Museum ohne jegliche Grenzen (Whitehead 2018) die Rede. […]

Eugen Zintgraff’s Diary as a Document of Theft and Destruction of Art Treasures in the Colonial Context
DCNtR Debate #3. The Post/Colonial Museum
Eugen Zintgraff (1858/Düsseldorf – 1897/Tenerife) was a ›prominent‹ explorer in the early years of German colonization of Cameroon (Nkui Nchoji 1989), whose name is deeply rooted in the local collective or grassroots memory (Tsogang Fossi 2019). It is also linked to many cultural or zoological objects as well as human remains, namely skulls, currently in […]

We can correct what was done wrong in the past
Voices from the conference 'Museum Collections in Motion‘
  Richard Tsogang Fossi: Curatorial research fellow at MARKK-Hamburg (former Ethnological Museum) Richard TSOGANG FOSSI is a PhD. Holder in the field of Intercultural German and Memory Studies. He received training as DaF-Didaktiker for High Schools level and is also busy as part-time lecturer at the University of Dschang in Cameroon. His fields of research […]