Katharina Schramm

Institutional Transformation in South Africa and Germany
An Interview with Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni
Katharina Schramm (KS): In your book “Epistemic Freedom in Africa: Deprovincialization and Decolonization”, you make reference to W.E.B. Du Bois, who famously stated in “The Souls of Black Folk” that the problem of the twentieth century is the color line. Du Bois explicitly addresses racism and its specific articulation in the United States as a […]

Undoing Race and Racism
Anthropological Interventions
In Germany today, critiques of racism, practices and forms of racialisation, and their multiple entanglements in anthropology have gained renewed prominence.  On the one hand, in academic discussions an expansive debate around museum practices and colonial collections (in ethnographic as well as natural history museums) has highlighted colonial histories and their  connections to the genealogies […]

Undoing Race and Racism: Anthropological Interventions
In Germany today, critiques of racism, practices and forms of racialisation, and their multiple entanglements in anthropology have gained renewed prominence.  On the one hand, in academic discussions an expansive debate around museum practices and colonial collections (in ethnographic as well as natural history museums) has highlighted colonial histories and their  connections to the genealogies […]

Collaboration in Times of a Pandemic
Reflections on a Student Exchange between the University of Namibia and the University of Bayreuth
Introduction At the University of Bayreuth (UBT), all MA students in anthropology and African Studies have a unique opportunity to do fieldwork abroad, preferably in a country in Africa. This way, they are encouraged to practically engage with specific problems, to improve their research skills and to develop close collaborations with their partners on the […]

Durch den Tunnel der Kritik zum Weitblick
Studentische Perspektiven auf die aktuelle Museums-Debatte
Fast ein Jahr nach Bénédicte Savoys medienwirksamen Rücktritt aus dem Beirat des Humboldt-Forums ist die politische und akademische Debatte um das Großprojekt und die Zukunft ethnographischer Sammlungen kaum abgeklungen. Fast täglich gibt es neue Einlassungen – nicht zuletzt auf diesem Blog. Es regt sich zudem seit längerem in der Museumslandschaft: Provenienzforschung erfährt ungeahnte Aufmerksamkeit, Restitutionsforderungen […]