The blog Fieldwork meets Crisis is part of the DGSKA Autumn School, which takes its starting point in the current pandemic moment, which substantially affects our discipline. (Field) research cannot be conducted or changes significantly, the mobility of researchers is limited, physical proximity on-site is replaced by online contacts, planning security gives way to uncertainty. […]

The Internet, not the rainforest
Challenges of reorienting environmental anthropological research into the online realm
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Germany in force in March 2020, sent the country into lockdown and paralyzed public life, so, too, did it put my imminent departure to fieldwork on ice. Until then I had prepared to soon be doing research on the utilization of forest resources and Future-Making practices among the Dayak of […]

Ethnography of (In)visible Bodies
Indian Wrestlers during the Coronavirus pandemic
Life Before the Lockdown, “Scene of a local Dangal just before the lockdown” in village Barona, Sonipat, Haryana; 15 March 2020. Dangal is an essential part of Indian wrestling. Around 150 wrestlers took part in this Dangal where winning prize was INR 300000 (3500 Euros approx.). Photo by: Santram Antil   It certainly has been […]

Research from afar or carrying out research ‘un-ethnologically’ close?
Weighing our options. Photo by Matthew Henry, altered and published in compliance with Burst image license.   Research from afar or carrying out research ‘un-ethnologically’ close? The plan was solidified. Coral had received her visa and the final logistics were set to travel to the Cederberg Mountain region in South Africa for a 12-month fieldwork […]

Turkey’s engagement with its diaspora during the pandemic
Turkey is one of the top 10 countries with an emigration history. According to the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEIK), more than 5.5 million citizens reside abroad, 4,6 million of which live in Western European countries (DEIK 2016).[1] The emigration from Turkey has had various phases from labour migration to the exodus of […]