The boasblog Contested Knowledge takes up the title and theme of the 2023 German Anthropological Association conference and prepares and accompanies this conference, inviting participants as well as non-participants, to discuss the following questions especially with regard to the interactions between anthropology and societal contestations of knowledge. Knowledge generated through research is currently contested to […]

From Original Evidence to Ordinary Epistemes
Authenticating the Knowledge We Live by
This contribution seeks to rekindle questions of authenticity. While the term continues to figure prominently in the realms of collective heritage, the tourist industry, and the branding of food and other items in modern consumerism, our concern with authenticity leads us directly to the efforts and effects of epistemic practice. These multiple modes of knowing […]

Umwelt, Handlungsoptionen und Differenz
Überlegungen zu sozial- und kulturanthropologischer Forschung zwischen lokalen Praktiken und globalen Phänomenen
Links: Fließ im Spreewald, Deutschland (Desirée Hetzel); Mitte: Algen Strand von Yucatán, Mexiko (Laura Otto); rechts: Brandrodung im Garten, Vanuatu (Arno Pascht). Einleitung Weitgreifende Umweltveränderungen durch Klimawandel und Artensterben gefährden globales Überleben und Sicherheit. Entsprechend müssen sich Menschen weltweit damit auseinandersetzen, wie lokale/globale (Um)welten für die Zukunft gestaltet werden können. Diese Veränderungen und Dynamiken können […]

Whose Research Ethics?
Some notes between code and conduct
Still image from Circulating Objects – four stories about bocios, © Anna Lisa Ramella, video installation as part of the exhibition Object Biographies, curated by Margareta von Oswald and Verena Rodatus, Humboldt Lab Dahlem 2015. Questions inherent to debates on contested knowledges often circle around authorship, directionality of discourses, and how to make heard a […]

Representations of Political Violence in Museological Spaces
Decolonial Strategies, Contested Memory and Transformative Potential
Museums have traditionally served as custodians of historical artefacts and of normative narratives, playing a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the past, of the political violence that shaped the emergence of present-time social orders, and of the lasting implications for the present. However, the process of disseminating such images and narratives through museums […]

Trading Safety for Knowledge?
Perspectives on Risks and Wellbeing in Fieldwork
Introduction  Enduring hardship and taking risks related to one’s personal safety have long been considered a part of anthropological fieldwork. Often, emotionally challenging and dangerous situations have later been portrayed (and published) as heroic stories, which left out the far-reaching consequences for researchers‘ physical and mental wellbeing. In the past decade, an increasing number of […]

Contesting academic cultures of power abuse
Trigger Warning: This article addresses power abuse in academia and describes some such extreme boundary violations explicitly and in detail.1[1] Abstract: The author examines how, under which promoting conditions academic power abuse takes place and how this behaviour is gradually „normalized“ by academic structures and discourses. Drawing on ethnographic data from her research, next to […]

Felt Expertise
Analysing the Entanglement of Emotion and Knowledge in Spain’s Domestic Care Work
Upon her arrival in Madrid, Anita felt free. Having grown up in rural Ecuador as the youngest of seven siblings, her life so far had been shaped by familial duties and economic instability. Once she entered Spain, however, everything changed. In a small park situated atop the Calle de Marcelo Usera, Anita described these initial […]

(Counter)public Contestations:
Feminist Theorizing for Anthropological Ethics
Feminist theorizing – particularly contributions from beyond the Global North – has always been marginalized in anthropology although it has successfully challenged hegemonic knowledge production as well as unjust economic systems and political hierarchies based upon patriarchal gender ideologies for a long time. In the context of our discipline, this resulted in feminist anthropologists’ contestations […]

Content Warning?
Kritische und sensible Wissensvermittlung in der ethnologischen Lehre
Im Zentrum des Ethnologiestudiums stehen die Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten des Faches, deren kritische Reflexion und das große Interesse daran, die unterschiedlichsten Perspektiven in und auf diese Welt zu ergründen. Vor allem der „reflexive turn“ und der methodische Perspektivwechsel bieten dabei Potential für die Ausbildung ethnologischer Fähigkeiten sowie diskriminierungssensibler Kompetenzen. Doch auch wenn vielerorts Konsens […]