Nelson Adebo Abiti

The Uganda Museum’s Tribal Representation: Colonial Repositories and Community Reconciliation in Uganda
DCNtR Debate #3. The Post/Colonial Museum
Introduction Colonial rule in Uganda introduced classifications of so-called ›tribal‹ groups to enforce British administrative units. The idea or imagination of the ›imperial‹ implemented by the British colonial government included exhibitions of ›tribal crafts‹ in the Uganda Museum. While such exhibitions and displays divided the population into ›tribes‹ for the convenience of the British, the […]

Wie sieht die Zukunft für ethnografische Museen aus?
Ein Interview mit Nelson Adebo Abiti
Das nachstehende Interview mit Abiti Adebo Nelson ist auf der Konferenz „Museums in Motion: Colonial and Postcolonial Encounters“ in Köln im Juli 2019 entstanden. Dort kamen Künstler*innen, Kurator*innen, Expert*innen, junge Forscher*innen, Stipendiat*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen aus der ganzen Welt zusammen, um über die Notwendigkeit der Dekolonialisierung von Museen zu sprechen und neue Formen der Kooperation zu […]

Decolonisation? Collaboration!
Towards a Renewed Concept of ‘Museum’ in Europe and Africa
What options do we have for dealing with the Africa collections in our museums in Europe and in Africa? Let us start with a quote from Malcolm McLeod, keeper of the Department of Ethnography of the British Museum from 1974-1990: Museums are expected to collect things, yet museum collecting, in some cultures, need not be […]

Tribal Displays: Colonial Repositories and Community Reconciliation
The practices of a new museology have recently raised debates involving public forums and dialogues. However, these transformation processes have also sought to rethink museum practices in remaking persons and remaking society. The practice of displaying ethnic groups in the museum builds on the debates of decolonising museums especially of those having ethnographic artefacts. Having […]