“We are now living in a disaster movie and it just begins.”
Zagreb, Croatia, 19 March - 23 April, 28 June 2020
My name is Ivo Mišur. I’m 31 years old mechanical engineer from Zagreb, Croatia. I live with my wife. We got married last year. We are currently together in apartment on a second floor in west part of town called Stenjevec. I spent all corona period there. My other close family doesn’t live in Zagreb since I am from Metkovic where my mother lives. My brother is in Vienna.
As of midnight, work of cafes and shops are banned. Borders are also closed. We’re all waiting for something big. This is probably the biggest event of our generation. Now I understand that curse: I wish you to live in interesting times. Prevention measures have not yet stopped the virus, but it will surely destroy the economy. If these bans last for a month we will somehow recover already. If there are two or three months there will be massive layoffs and business failure. Already these days, waiters and chefs have been fired. The government has enacted some measures that plan to preserve jobs. Some are sceptical. I’m more worried about what will happen after the corona, since I’m not in the risk group for dying. But you never know. We will recover economically over the next 10 years. It all depends how long the pandemic will last. I am afraid this will be a combination of the Spanish flu and the Great Crisis of 1933. The Spanish flu had nothing to destroy in economy because the war already ended it all. These days people were buying fruits, vegetables, meat and toilet paper. They make stock because they are scared. We will all remember corona for sure. There are still sceptics who think it’s just the flu. Figures about nearly 500 deaths per day in Italy say otherwise. The army is pitching a tent near Dubrava Hospital. The president gave a dramatic speech to the nation last night and today the prime minister. Slovenians today declared a ban on movement on public lands. In our stores employees wear masks but rarely any of the people. Still, the streets are noticeably deserted. The day before the ban cafes were full. China has already recovered and they have started working. This gives hope that this will come to an end, although according to politicians it has only just begun. We are now living in a disaster movie and it just begins. It may be that self-isolation and spending a lot of time at home will lead to increased birth rates. Children conceived during this period will probably be called the corona babies. Huge unemployment and insecurity are working against demographics. All public events are postponed. In the future immigration to economically ravaged Europe will slow. I do not know how the corona will affect the emigration from Croatia. People will be unemployed, but there will be no jobs in Germany also. Where will they go?
I’ve been working home since Monday. I was supposed to go to Turkey at the end of the month on business. Now there will be no travel for months.
Croatian number of deaths is 1, and number of infected 110.
All these delays and cancellations and the ban on all travel shows that life is unpredictable. What you have to do, do it today! I thought the world had advanced enough in everything, including healthcare, and that pandemics like plague or cholera could never happen. The corona showed not that we are weak or that nature is stronger, but that we have lied to ourselves and fallen into false security. We Croats experienced war 30 years ago, so we know roughly what isolation and insecurity means. I can only imagine how Germans and Scandinavians feel. They face something that has not been experienced for several generations — insecurity. In the past few days, I have rarely seen the masks on people’s faces. Today, there are already many more. As of today, all children’s playgrounds have been closed in Zagreb. With a reason because the past few days have been full.
This is a reality pandemic. Every step and every patient is monitored. Since most do not go to work, everyone watches the news.
Each country fights in its own way. However, it is noticeable that some prepared better than others.
All religious gatherings in the Republic of Croatia are prohibited. All communities adhere to this even FSSPX. In Bosnia, the Islamic community has banned mosque gatherings. In Herzegovina, however, the bishop of Mostar, Ratko Peric, issued a proclamation in which public masses were continued. At the moment when Pope Frano banned the holding of masses in Italy, this was an act of foolishness. Peric is more Catholic than Pope obviously. Otherwise, thoughts and posts on the social networks of some ”professional Catholics” are interesting. The severity of the pandemic and danger of the virus diminishes, blaming panic and fear as a devilish weapon. Examples are mentioned: Jesus hung out with lepers and did not become infected, don Bosco’s men visited cholera infected and didn’t get ill; Such messages are also spread by whatsapp. Despite the recommendations of the Pope and the Croatian Episcopal Conference that calls for responsibility they neglect it. This folklore Catholicism also neglects church authority. They see fear as the biggest problem.
God’s gift is reason and wisdom and it is a sin not to use it. This reminds me of that story when a flood threatened the village. The man climbed on the roof and rescuers came three times to rescue him. The water was getting higher each time. Each time he refused the rescuers with the words: God will save me. After he drowned, he came angry before God: Why didn’t you save me? And God told him he sent the boat three times for him. Example of WhatsApp message from a week ago:
On the way from Italy, Corona was stopped by the wind and asked:
– Where are you going?
– To Croatia,
Corona answered
-I intend to take 100 lives …
On his return he meets the wind again:
– You said you would take 100 and you took 5000 lives.
– No!
Corona answered.
– I took 100.
The others were taken by fear!
p.s. Brethren, fear not!
Our God is greater than any evil!
Otherwise sceptics think this is just the flu.
For now, testing is only possible if you have symptoms and have come from an infected country or have been in contact with someone infected. Both prerequisites must be met. That is why I believe the number of infected is higher.
People who are prescribed self-isolation violate it. Today, 18 have come to pharmacies. And in recent days, they’ve been caught a lot by knocking on doors.
A parish priest from Sesvetski Kraljevec near Zagreb was infected. I think this case shows that COVID 19 is surely out of control now and it will show it’s teeth in a few days.
We all look with one eye to neighbouring Italy, where 627 people have died today.
Number of infected 128 (3 more severe), dead 1
As of this morning at 9, all intercity bus and rail traffic was cancelled! Any kind of gathering in public areas was prohibited. Police will react if two people are not within 2 meters on the street. Two days ago, people were urged to stay in the fresh air, and now they are being forbidden. Most infected are in Zagreb (over 60, followed) by Pula with about 20. The headquarters no longer prays but requires compliance with the measures. Minister Beros is excellent. He replaced the incompetent Kujundzic less than two months ago. We are lucky that it would have happened otherwise we would have been infected severely. People are pleased with the response of the headquarters to this crisis.
Public transport across the country is being phased out tomorrow. News and decisions change hour by hour, getting tougher and tougher. For a reason! The sooner this passes, the sooner we will resume our normal lives and the less damage there will be to the economy.
Yesterday, beds were laid in the Zagreb Arena expecting to be filled in coming weeks. Tents in Dubrava were erected by the army.
Yesterday me and my wife talked to the guy who doesn’t get this seriously. He thinks it’s just a flu and avoids watching the news because he thinks they are overreacting. He even wanted to handshake with us despite recommendation not to. Lucky for us and for him that his hands were dirty so he didn’t. What an idiot! There are many others like him. In a last few hours news are full articles about people not obeying recommendations.
I have passed near pharmacy today and the truth is what has been said for days. They have no more masks or alcohol.
In early February, I travelled to work in London. Already by then the corona had erupted in China and there was concern that it would be transferred to Europe. In the whole plane, only me and one girl wore virus protection masks.
I have been intensely monitoring the situation with the corona in Europe since the end of February because I was supposed to go to Turkey in the last week of March, so I am really well informed and not surprised by these measures.
My friend told me today that he is still obligated to work. His boss said no matter the corona situation, they are working until further notice. The only measure at that private company was that the director gave a presentation about the corona virus. To make things even more bizarre, he gathered all the employees in one room! Perfect for spreading the virus.
Today I took a walk to photograph doors of closed shop in neighbourhood to document corona age.

Photo of grocery in Zagreb ( neigbourhood Stenjevec). It says to stay 2 metres from each other in closed space and 1 metre in open. Some articles are not available because of high demand (Photo: Ivo Mišur, 20.03.2020.)

Announcement on doors on Church of St. Nicholas in Stenjevec, Zagreb: Church is opened for prayers in the morning 7-8:30 and afternoon 17-18:30. and 2nd New precautions because corona virus. No public masses, priests will celebrate masses in private. Both are announced 19.03.2020 by priest (Photo Ivo Mišur, 21.03.2020.)
No one could have imagined last night that this morning corona virus would not be major news. At 6:26, a strong earthquake of over 5 Richter’s woke us all up in Zagreb. It lasted about 10 seconds. The strongest in the last 140 years. Part of the people immediately went outside the buildings. Me and my wife left the building after the second minor earthquake. The third was about 7 o’clock and was about 5 per Richter. People have been out of buildings for a long time. Some even started running away from the building with cars. Just after 9, my wife and I returned to the apartment. The top of the cathedral broke off. There is damage to the centre, piles of bricks in the street and damaged cars.
People were panicked by the earthquake and they went to the streets so there were mass gatherings all over Zagreb. This post-earthquake reunion will surely spread the virus. It was cold and snowflakes began to fall. In front of the hospital, Petrova maternity hospital, mothers went out with their babies on the street. They are evacuated later to another hospital. The regular corona press conference has been postponed. A national earthquake summit has been convened at the NSB.
I experienced a lot of earthquakes in Metkovic, but never like this one. Honestly as everything was being shaken, I thought about apocalypse. There were interesting neighbours outside the building. One older woman came out just 2 hours after the earthquake. While others came out almost in their pyjamas, a woman who was otherwise always dressed up came out tidy, combed, with a nice coat and a nice handbag. Another neighbour went out to the balcony and when she saw the people outside the building, she asked what was going on. As if she didn’t even know it was an earthquake.
News about corona is that a store restriction was introduced late last night. They can work from 8am to 5pm in the afternoon. I am sure real effects of the earthquake will be seen after five days, when the number of infected people in Zagreb increases sharply.
Infected 254 (serious condition 5), deaths:1
Markets have been banned from last night and no place of residence should be left from this morning. The possibility of even more restrictive measures was announced. I have been watching what is happening abroad and do not know what else they could limit? For the last couple of days, I end all communications instead of my usual greeting with the words: Stay healthy and at home!
For the purpose of raising awareness, I made a funny meme with a quote from famous Croatian TV series Beggars and Sons and published it on Facebook (attachment).
Today I tried to take a walk outside but it was too cold so I was there for 3 minutes and went back to flat. I watched movie Contagion (2011). I remember I watched it 2-3 months ago. I am little bit worried now because in a movie they predict there will be robbers. Now I know why Americans bought weapons when they heard about corona. To protect their home in case of robbery.
I’m thinking more and more about the post-corona society. What will it be like after this is gone?
Number of infected 314 (5 more severe), dead 1

Marriage in time of Corona: Three steps in front of me you unpure force. Meme by Ivo Mišur.
After quarantine and earthquake, we got another surprise this morning-snow! Snow in this time of year?! I don’t like it so it’s unpleasant surprise for me. When I was a child, I heard a story in my hometown Metkovic that says when a lot of people in village dream of snow somebody is going to die. I hope this snow is not a prediction of future deaths.
Last few days I tried to photograph neighbourhood to document age of corona for future generations. But there was nothing to see. Empty streets are not something you don’t usually see during holidays. So, I took photos of some signs on stores warning people about closure or keeping distance.
Today I didn’t want to go out because of snow. It melted by the noon but it was cold. My days are passing faster and faster. I don’t know where I lose so much time. I lost track of days today. I wasn’t sure is it Tuesday or Wednesday. As I write this i hear my neighbour singing with his child. This morning I heard the other one singing also. I think isolation affects people. My wife went to small store. It’s first time she wore mask.
During my days in isolation I am writing historical articles.
Number of infected 382 (6 more severe), dead 1
If I was a teacher I would give children assignment to draw a picture or write an essay how will world and life look like after corona.
First time in my life I feel cut off. I can’t go to Metković, where my mother lives. She is alone since my father died 3 months ago. Grandmother is with her last few days. My brother is in Vienna. We are all separated. If wasn’t married this would be terrible for me living in Zagreb where I have no close relatives. Disaster. After this all is finished i will seriously think about me staying and working in this town. I assume there will be economic collapse all over Europe. Maybe China will recover more quickly than the West. Maybe I should go work there? I don’t know. This all worries me because it postpones my wife’s work probation. She has to pass professional exam after 1 year working. I hope corona won’t stop us from our planned future.
Last night I watched another movie of disaster (Show must go on (2011)). It’s not a good idea in this time.
Today I made bread myself, not because I can’t buy it in store, but because I used to make it and I enjoy it.
I’ve been coughing for ten days now. It’s a dry cough I always get in March. So, I think it’s an allergy.
Number of infected 442 (10 more severe), dead 1

I bought this pack of masks more than half a year ago when I was sick and didn’t want to infect my wife. Lucky many of them left because now there aren’t any in pharmacies. Funny thing is that i noticed today that there is wrong spelling. It should be writing kirurška instead of kiruška. Photo: Ivo Mišur.
Yesterday island of Murter was announced as total quarantine. Nobody can enter or leave.
News write about change of law regarding work. Maybe we will work for minimal salary. We’ll see. Numbers of infected in Croatia aren’t so bad. Last few days we have only around 60 infected per day. There is some criticism that we don’t test enough.
Today I went to store to buy some food. I was shopping with mask. They only let 10 people be in store in a moment. There is a disinfection before but I didn’t see it. I was shopping with mask for first time.
I am currently listening to Byzantine liturgy music.
Number of infected 495 (10 more severe), dead 1

Banner in store that says to clean hands, keep distance, buy with cards and not to buy too much (Photo Ivo Mišur, 26.03.2010)
My boss called yesterday. He said next salary in April will be in full amount. The one in May and others will not.
I took a walk today in neighbourhood and took some photos. It was interesting for me to photograph abandoned mask I saw yesterday on the street. Masks became visual symbols of COVID 19, something regular people see in everyday life now. There are much more people wearing masks on streets and cars. Approximately 70% of what I saw. Change I noticed during walk is that there are lot more pigeons on places they never were. They became braver because I saw them on street not moving even tough car was coming. There were lots of them in front of bakery and the bravest entered bakery by foot. Children’s playgrounds are closed and marked with signs that they are not allowed to use.
I watched small part of Pope’s Urbi et Orbi.
Number of infected 586

Local teather in Gajnice quartier Zagreb: ODGOĐENO means postponed (photo Ivo Mišur 27.03.2020)

COVID 19 closed children playground in Gajnice, Zagreb (photo Ivo Mišur 27.03.2020)

Thrown away mask in Gospodska street in Zagreb (photo Ivo Mišur 27.03.2020)

Man waiting in front of pharmacy to be invited – Gajnice, Zagreb (photo Ivo Mišur 27.03.2020)
In Zagreb we’ve got new non-corona problem- polluted air. We aren’t supposed to be outside so who cares. LOL.
Two days ago, I received message on Facebook about a guy living 15 kilometres from Zagreb. I will use X as his name to protect identity.
X uses this coronavirus situation. In front of a local store, there is always line of people, and he begs people for money and cigarettes …. you have to make him a distance of 2-3 meters
This was spread with Facebook and probably WhatsApp. I don’t entirely get this guy’s corona-exploitation situation. He probably begs for money and cigars anyway. People are probably most worried that he doesn’t keep distance. Now I see that beggars are out of work also.
Number of infected: 657
Today is Sunday. But i feel like Sunday lasts 2 weeks. Yesterday headquarters announced that next 2 weeks are critical and crucial in a fight against corona. It’s strange how these announcements are being transformed WhatsApp chain messaging. My wife received message about critical next 2 weeks and recommendation not to go outside even if you have to buy bread. Also, my wife’s friend studies in Italy and she is stuck there now. She will try to get home but it is very difficult.
Since I am moderate introvert it’s not so hard for me to be in isolation. I am working on my history research. In last 2 weeks I ‘ve done more than I would in 2 months.
I’ll try to play with my photo camera and make some photos indoor.
For the first time since beginning of epidemics today we had only one corona press conference in 14:00 instead of usual two (9:00 and 16:00). We’ll see if it continues tomorrow.
We had a flash mob in Croatia at 20:00. We were supposed to sing a song Moja domovina (My country). I went out on balcony and clapped with my wife. There were some fireworks. Some people sang and some just clapped like us.
Number of infected: 715
I went to shopping again. Number of persons in store is limited to 10. Because of this there was line in front of doors around 10 people. Line in front of pharmacy was even longer. Now i see it is better to buy more stuff because shopping has become complicated. I told wife to choose carefully what she cooks.
I am watching movies on Internet these days. Days become same but i am still not bored. I see this quarantine as long-time vacation and opportunity to do stuff i like.
I was nervous in afternoon and now at evening I have a headache.
Number of infected: 790
It’s the end of the month. Who could believe at it’s beginning that the world would ”wuhanize” so fast.
It’s sunny today and nothing interesting is not happening. There are no new restrictions, no rapid growth. That’s good. Now we have to wait. Everything stopped. It is announced that earthquake didn’t indirectly increase number of infected as numerous scientists presumed.
There was some option that I go to Turkey somewhere between 16-20 March. I didn’t and it’s better. Some eleven Croats that flew back from Turkey that week were infected. Also, I read about some other case where daughter returned from Turkey and infected her mother.
I have worked on my book last few days very intensively.
Mr. Božinović minster of police said that jokes tomorrow is allowed but not the ones regarding corona virus. Tomorrow is 1. April (Fools Day)
Number of infected: 856
Couple of days ago government has opened account on which you can donate money for fighting corona and another one for earthquake disaster. I think it’s a bit non-serious that government asks money from citizens. Very soon citizens will ask for welfare from government. Today they announced new measures to save economy. I don’t know what to say.
There is nothing going on so media are reporting more and more non-corona news. I am getting more bored day by day.
I shaved my beard and now have only mustage. It looks funny but I don’t care because nobody will see me.
I took series of autoportrets with my semi-professional camera. I will choose one and name it Corona Quarantine.
I didn’t see any pranks today (1. April). I read in news yesterday that now in Zagreb they are starting drive-in corona tests. It was unbelievable to me that I thought it was a prank but it is not.
There are offices and telephone contacts for professional psychological help during corona crisis. What a load of bullshit. Who are they going to help over the phone? Today you can watch millions of self-help videos on YouTube. Psychologists are getting themselves paid jobs during pandemics. They are corona-profiters.
Number of infected: 963
I went for a walk today because it was sunny. I saw much more people outside than the other days. We aren’t better than Italians, we don’t do quarantine either. Teenagers are worst. They are hanging in groups in parks. Children are again on playgrounds. When elderly person is coming to you from opposite direction, she makes 2 metres to pass you but young ones don’t. They don’t care at all. Elderly are scared of virus; most people are scared of losing jobs and young ones are on holidays.
Infected: 1011
This was the first day I was really bored and frustrated during quarantine. I wrote all my historical texts I intended. I definitely need to find a new hobby. I am bad at photography and don’t have talent at all but I really enjoy photographing people on the street. I tried to capture corona on photo but it’s not easy. Yes, streets are empty but they are empty every day in 5:30 when everything is normal so I don’t know how is this going to show corona. People wear masks but it’s not crowded so I really stick out if I point camera in their face. All that is left is to photograph signs on doors of stores that they are closed.
What did I do today? I spent all my day on couch with laptop on my knees, stepped several times on balcony, video recorded car that was being pulled because it got broken, sent some emails, will bake bread soon because we don’t have any and won’t have it for breakfast if I don’t. Wife watches movies last 2-3 days all day long.
Infected: 1079
How my ”regular quarantine day” look likes? I wake up at 9:30 (before it was 8:30). I go to living room and turn on the laptop while my wife still sleeps. She wakes up at 11 and i make breakfast and cook coffee. Then she goes in room and I am again on laptop. Around 14:00 or later wife makes lunch and we watch press conference of corona headquarters. We eat, talk, and she goes to watch tv, and me is on laptop. Around 17:00 we drink coffee together. Later we eat something, sometimes popcorns. Around 21:00 I come to room and we watch tv together and talk. That’s it. Every 3-4 days I go to store or a walk. For me synonym for corona is laptop overuse.
Yesterday evening I made bread. It was finished around midnight.
There is a documentary that China fabricated numbers of corona infections and deaths making it smaller. Also, some people think they should apologize for corona. Last few days i am not into corona like I used to be anymore. Croatian numbers are stable and measures also. We all became doctors and pharmacists these days.
Every few days there is some flash mob on the balcony. I mean they invite people to do it but in my neighbourhood I see none of it. We’re not children to clap or sing on balcony every week.
Infected: 1126
I don’t get out of pyjamas. Trips I make are on the balcony. So many interesting things you see and live out there. I even photographed today. On balcony of course.

Family hanging in garden. Foto Ivo Mišur

Woman drawing with her daughter. Foto Ivo Mišur
I am all day home but I feel like I don’t have enough time. I became so lazy I feel like doing nothing.
I woke up at 10:30. I don’t remember when I got up so late. Yesterday died a guy in his 40’s with no previous illness. It’s getting serious. There is a rumour (Internet conspiracy) that people are dying because of 5G net and that corona is made up to cover it. Nonsense! Prime minister said they will slowly loosen up prevention measures when situation becomes more good. Nobody knows for sure. I think it will worsen up when they loosen it. Yesterday some scientists said virus will impact our lives until we find cure and it won’t be until 1 year. It’s a beautiful day, sun is up. I will make bread again.
Government has a strong public support for health measures as well as planned economic one like cutting salaries. Prime minister held secret meeting with press editors 20 days ago and gave them some recommendations how to write about crisis. Press was also promised financial support. Politics in last weeks really has some totalitarian features.
Today i had to go to work to help move some things. It was purely physical work. I am exhausted. We wore masks but if someone has COVID19 he will infect others for sure.
In Split there are 10 infected in home for elderly persons and dozens of people with symptoms. It was published yesterday by press but people who have their parents there know about situation for 10 days. So, government is supposed to be lying about this case for 10 days because it would ”ruin” their ”good statistics”. So maybe we have totalitarish leading of corona crisis, not only with measures but with informing too or is it better to say propaganda.
So this is interesting time. We live in a time of epic pandemic, rising global economic crisis and suspended democracy. There was poll with a question is Croatian government leading us in a good direction? Usually less than 30% people thinks it does but last poll said percentage is 70%. Media published it completely wrong saying that government has support of 70% of citizens for their acts meaning future cuts of salaries and other things.
It’s interesting that disinformation and half-information are all over media. One day they say one thing and another something totally opposite. Politicians, doctors and media don’t know a thing. They are only guessing. Now we see it clearly.
There is a rumour last few days that persons who are vaccinated to tuberculosis have stronger immunity to COVID than the ones that weren’t vaccinated. I was vaccinated as a child.
Pollution has decreased so the first time in 13 years since I live in Zagreb I was able to see the starts very clearly this evening. Easter is coming and lines in front of markets are becoming longer and longer. Government decided to open green markets. Number of infections is stable (around 60 per day). I have thought how to use this time left in quarantine (do some stuff I didn’t manage during normality).
Today out of boredom I started to write what would world and life look like in 14 years if corona-status doesn’t end. Can you imagine it? Living like this next 14 years! Yesterday Croatian philosopher Srećko Horvat in video interview said that corona will cause end of capitalism just like plague ended feudalism. (By the way I would like to read Camus’s Plague now but I don’t have it on paper and I don’t like reading books online). Even though I don’t have positive opinion about capitalism I think it will transform according to new situation. Today is Big Friday, day Jesus was crucified.
Today only 39 new cases. I am starting to believe government is lying. They approved religious procession on island of Hvar on Big Friday. It’s absurd to let that happen and close everything else. But just like in Orwell’s Animal Farm some: All animals are equal but some are more equal than others. We got used to quarantine. Next step is getting used to economic crisis which will hit us. Culture will be hit and some magazines and events will end it’s existence.
Tomorrow is Easter. We will remember this one for sure. Maybe next ones also. There are many people outside hanging in groups. When I saw them for the first time, I questioned my isolation. Am I a fool?
My mother-in-law invited us to lunch tomorrow. But me and my wife decided to stay home.

IMAGE 12. My local church Saint Nicholas, Stenjevec, Zagreb, closed doors. Foto Ivo Mišur
It’s Easter. Very silent one. My wife and I are alone. We had a nice lunch. We also did some financial planning. I called some friends, my mother and relatives. There is not much going on. Brother tells me Austria will loosen up quarantine next week. Since I am history lover, I will try to save something from this corona period. I have on mind announcement about virus that is now on every door in Zagreb. My mother contacted some person that has a relative living in Madrid. She says there are children getting some stains on their skin. It’s not yet in public but it will be. They suspect it’s connected with COVID.
Totally empty day. Nothing new. We are in a limb, not going forward or backward in pandemics. Every day we have around 60 infected and all measures are still on. I made bread today. There was and still is shortage of yeast. You can buy flour any time. Also, still we can’t buy masks or gloves.
I went to work to help move some stuff from the building that was damaged by earthquake. It was very cold and even snow started to fall.
Government presented application called Andrija which helps them to contact citizens about corona. You can text Andrija about corona and he will answer. It’s very simple application.
Three days have passed so fast I didn’t even notice I wasn’t writing. It seems this quarantine is going to it’s end. Only 23 infected in last 24 hours and minister has announced that there will be some loosening. Main topic is tourism. They are planning to test tourists before entering country. I think it’s ridiculous and not manageable. I am not dependable on tourism since I don’t work in it or have some accommodation to rent. I work in private sector so I don’t give a damn about tourism. I rode bike a lot these days. No masks on the street again.
Covid19 measures are being continued for next 15 days. Only thing that changed so far is that you can travel outside the town you live but only inside županija (administrative region). Virus came to my hometown in Metkovic where my mother lives. There are 2 infected but it will be more. When I found out I have sent my mother text message Došla je mečka kod vas/ Bear came to your house. When I was a child, she told me about gypsies who would take bear from one house to another to make money. They taught bear to dance and he would dance in front of one house and after the show they would ask for money. After that they would go to another house. So, the people whose house gypsies didn’t visit yet would say that bear is dancing in neighbours and it will come to us too. This bear started to dance 4 months ago in China and now has come to my hometown.
Some say and write that virus was grown in laboratory and China is trying to gain global economic power with it. My wife’s friend strongly believes in connection of 5G net and COVID.
Numbers are falling rapidly, only 10 infected today. It seems episode 1 is coming to an end. I strongly believe virus will be here at least one year and life won’t return to normal. I also expect second wave of virus which will be worse than first one but it will surely come. This sounds like trailer to scary movie when I read it. Second wave will impact society and world more than first one. Am I right? I have to wait and see…
I don’t believe in COVID19 as God’s punishment. It’s too human view of God. If He is like us he wouldn’t create a world.
Fotoclub Rijeka announced photo competition with virus as the theme. I have photos taken during quarantine so I will apply I don’t expect to win because I don’t have so much talent in photography but I hope that one of the photos will be part of planned exhibit.
Government presented loosening today. It will be in 3 phases starting 27. April, 4.May and 11. May. By the last date almost everything would be open. We will see how it goes. This is a plan, we’ll see how number of infections goes during loosening.
In one hand I am happy because I will be able to do some things I couldn’t and on the other I will miss my perfect quarantine days.
Our company is not getting back to normal on Monday. We still don’t know when we will have to go to work regularly. Today I washed mask with detergent since we have limited number of them.
54% of infected in Croatia are women. It’s funny because only month ago it was all over media that virus infects mostly middle-aged men. I remember my wife told me that one woman working in the store was not worried a month ago because she is a woman.
First day of ‘’new normal’’ as they call it. I am getting back to work in 1 week. I was shortly at the office today. I saw much more people in town today. Maybe 30% wears masks.
We will see how life will look like now.
My off-work quarantine started 17. March and ends 4. May. Total 48 days. Now that is near end, I can say it was a good period. I spend time with my wife, slept as much as I wanted, done things I wanted. I was never really bored. I enjoyed quarantine very much.
After 28.04. I lost interest for writing diary because pandemics has lost it’s power in Croatia. I started to go to work soon after that. Today I received email from Curare team. This however is not the reason for restart of writing. After almost 2 months of very good epidemiological situation things got worse here in Croatia. There were days with o infected. Today we have 30 infections and will probably rise. Two days ago, there was huge epidemiological incident when Bulgarian tennis player was positive to COVID and had infected lots of people on tournament in Zadar. This will probably be end of Croatian tourism this year.
Life is almost as it used to be. I was even traveling to Slovenia last week and planning some more busines trips. Very few people wear masks. Elections are coming 5. July.
My photos were chosen for online exhibit about COVID 19 pandemics.
Numbers are rising rapidly in Croatia. Borders are again being tightened. Prime Minister didn’t go in isolation even tough he was in contact with infected person (Novak Dokovic).
Curare team send note to end diaries on 1. July which is shame for Croatia because it seems things are just getting interesting and we are at beginning of second half of The Game.