
About this blog

„Witnessing Corona“ is inviting contributions of max 2000 words that address questions of:

– Social solidarity and moral blaming

– Living a life in social and/or physical isolation

– Unequal biosocial and/or psychological vulnerabilities

– Political-economic implications for healthcare infrastructures

– Historically contingent forms, possibilities, and risks of governmental intervention

– And a host of other themes related to the Corona pandemic whose understanding will benefit from a social science and (medical) anthropological perspective.

The contributions may range from theory- or ethnography-based articles to more personally tinged reflections in the form of a think piece. They can be in English and German. Pictures, drawings, small videos etc. are welcome (please provide captions and copyright information)!


Please note our requirements for submissions, and send your contributions to

witnessingcorona@boasblogs.org or medizinethnologie@gmail.com.

We are very much looking forward to your submissions!


Editorial team:
Hansjörg Dilger (Freie Universität Berlin), Clemens Eisenmann (University of Siegen), Martina Gockel-Frank (GSSC), Clemens Greiner (GSSC), Claudia Lang (Leipzig University), Dominik Mattes (Freie Universität Berlin), Christine Rath (GSSC), Anna Schreiber (GSSC), Annette Steffny (GSSC), Nasima Selim (Freie Universität Berlin), Mirko Uhlig (University of Mainz), Ehler Voss (University of Bremen)

“Witnessing Corona” is a cooperation of the Global South Studies Center (GSSC), the blog “Medical Anthropology” (Blog “Medizinethnologie”), and Curare. Journal of Medical Anthropology.